
You're not only welcome to swim with us, you're also welcome to join our running and cycling sessions!


From beginner to competitive level in small water, we offer you the opportunity to improve. Whether your goal is just to become a confident swimmer or to become a competitor, you'll find it here! Our small group, personalised swimming lessons and training sessions are held at the Iváncsa Tanuszoda (2454 Iváncsa, Arany János u. 1-2), where our excellent instructors are waiting for you!


Do you run, but would you still like a guided training session? Not used to running and don't know how to start? Do you run regularly but want to improve? You are welcome twice a week at the Chernel István Elementary School and High School in Agárd (2484 Gárdony, Iskola u. 2). A great team with a good atmosphere awaits you here.


The exact time and location of our cycling training sessions is currently being finalised. From spring to autumn, and in winter when the weather is good, we cycle around Lake Velencei, and if we can't be outdoors we do on-line roller training! If you're interested in our cycling training sessions, please email - so I can let you know when we have set up the training dates!

More information, training sessions and prices

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